The design is excellent (speaking as a woman anyway) I also took a tip about doing one circle of 1 part vinegar and 7 parts water around the hole to sort of flush. The design makes it easy to seal the lid and take to an Ulsan or toilet and flush, the vinegar incredibly takes away any urine smell and apparently stops that crust like limescale building up that is yet to be seen. But I can’t recommend enough. Easy to keep clean, easy to put together.
der Artikel ist, wie dien ganze Toilette, gut. Nur eine außen ablesbare Füllanzeige wäre toll!
Design, Funktionalität und Sitzkomforr sind top. Deckel sollte aber aus etwas stabilerem Material sein.
Enchanté, je ne reviendrai pas en arrière. Autonomie, facile d’entretien.
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